Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Marta's Legacy

Author:  Francine Rivers
Rating:  3
Summary:  Marta's Legacy is a story about mothers and daughters.  It starts out from the point of view of young Marta in Switzerland, 1936.  Her abusive father has sent her away for servant training, but Marta has her own ideas.  When her mother dies, Marta decides this is the opportunity to fulfill her dreams.  She leaves Switzerland, and travels to America to make her dream of opening an inn come true.  There, she meets a young man, who she falls in love with, marries, and has children with.  One of these children, grows up to be a kind and loving woman, who loves to serve others- Hildemara.  The book changes to her point of view, as she meets a young man, and falls in love.  At the same time, she gets sick, and her life is on the brink of death,  Despite this, her and the young man, gets married, and has a child.  The second book, changes the point of view to the child.
   Carolyn feels ignored by her sick mother, so she grows distant from her mother, and grows closer to her grandmother.  Years later, in Carolyn's teens, she runs away and after a couple years, she comes home again, pregnant.  The book goes on, and a little while later it changes points of view to Carolyn's child- Dawn.  Dawn ends up falling in love, and getting married, but then finds out she's sick.  Unfortunately, she's also pregnant, and the doctor's tell her, if she takes the cure for her sickness, her child will die.  But if she doesn't, she dies.  Dawn has one goal though, before she dies: To fix the relationship between the mothers and daughters before her.
Sexual content:  Carolyn gets pregnant with Dawn, and you meet the man she has her with, right before they have sex, but they don't actually explain the scene.  It also deals with rape.
Rape:  You find out Marta's little sister has been raped very early on in the first book, and the girl then commits suicide.  Early on in the second book, Carolyn is raped by a neighbor.
Morals:  This is a great mother daughter story to read with your daughter, to discuss certain issues- drugs, suicide, rape, sex, and relationships.
                              Girls, 13-14 years old, history

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